Contact Information1 Blue Hawk Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 (old GPS address 315 Epping Road)Exeter High SchoolMain Office and Attendance contacts
DepartmentsStaff DirectoryEnglishSocial StudiesScienceMathBusiness & Family Consumer ScienceSpecial EducationSchool CounselingFine Arts & MusicHealth & Physical EducationTechnologyWorld LanguagesMessage
Directions1 Blue Hawk Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 (Old GPS address: 315 Epping Rd) (603) 395-2400To Exeter High School30 Linden Street, Exeter, NH 03833Directions to Facilities at 30 Linden Street
District VisionMessageDistrict Vision and Core Values Work Study PracticesExeter High School Student Work-Study PracticesExeter High School 21st Century Learning Expectations
NNews and Announcements (click to see more)College Planning Night 2023Seacoast School of Technology (SST): Roadshow VideoWorking PapersMental Health Resources